Say goodbye to the confusion and hello to a more vibrant and healthier you! Eat for Nourishment and Health

Say goodbye to the confusion and hello to a more vibrant and healthier you! Eat for Nourishment and Health

With so many conflicting opinions and misinformation, it's easy to feel lost and uncertain about what to eat and how to nourish your body. 

As a physician, I want to provide simple, practical, and science-based information that cuts through the noise and helps you achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

In this article, I will discuss the impact of food on our health, suggest some of the best food choices for maintaining optimum health, and provide you with a list of “Whole Foods” to add to your diet as you remove ”foods” not on this list.

Whole Foods Organic lifestyle eliminates processed foods, fast foods, sugars, sodas, and juices and, by default, removes toxins that can be the root of many health issues.

The Power of Food!

Food is the fuel that powers our bodies and forms the foundation of our overall health and well-being. It's important to remember that you have complete control over what you eat. Food choices can help you achieve your life goals and dreams or hinder your progress by sabotaging your health. So, choose wisely!

The significance of food cannot be overstated, as it plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. 

Food's nutrients, vitamins, and minerals provide our bodies with the necessary building blocks for the growth, repair, and proper functioning of all bodily systems. 

A balanced and nutritious diet is essential for all aspects of health, including:

  • Balanced Hormones
  • Immune system.
  • Digestion of nutrients from our foods.
  • Detoxification – natural and daily.
  • Energy production and performance.
  • Clear skin.
  • Support healthy weight management.
  • Allows for natural control of bowel movements.
  • Improve cognitive function.
  • Reduce the risk of chronic diseases. 

Wow, this sounds almost like a miracle drug! And this is just a partial list!

By making mindful choices about what we eat, we can harness the power of food to optimize our health and enjoy a vibrant and fulfilling life.

Understanding the importance of food is easy, but deciding what to eat can be confusing!

Natural Whole Foods and Organic are the best choices!

One of the key benefits of a whole-food organic diet is that it provides your body with a wide range of essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. These nutrients are crucial for maintaining optimal health, supporting your immune system, and promoting overall well-being.

The focus is on consuming fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Yes, it is that simple!

A whole-food organic diet, being high in fiber, supports healthy digestion and gut health, which helps:

  • Healthy digestion, which is foundational to Optimum Health 
  • Regulate blood sugar levels to aid weight management and reduce the risk of diabetes. 
  • Promote a feeling of fullness, helping natural and ideal weight.  
  • A healthy gut is linked to a more robust immune system and improved mental health.

A whole-food organic diet is about eating minimally processed foods free from harmful chemicals and pesticides. Pesticides and synthetic fertilizers used in traditional farming practices may adversely affect human health, disrupting hormones, damaging the nervous system, and increasing the risk of certain diseases.

Moreover, choosing organic foods contributes to a more sustainable and eco-friendly food system. Organic farming practices focus on protecting soil health, conserving water, and reducing pollution. By supporting organic agriculture, you are helping to preserve the environment for future generations.

How to get Whole Foods into your diet.

First, keep it simple!

Vegetables: Choose organic whenever possible.

Eat the vegetables uncooked if possible, or prepare them with other vegetables and spices. 

Make a salad with all your favorite vegetables and fruit – the best way to get the nutrients your body needs.

Add olives, coconut, or avocados to your salad to ensure you get good, healthy fats.

Meat: Choose grass feed, free range; antibiotic, hormone, and nitrite free whenever possible

Cook with natural spices.

Add to that salad from above.

Eat it with a side of broccoli, asparagus, or other vegetables.

Eggs over a bed of spinach.

Fruit: Organic as often as possible. 

Eat at the time of your meal.

As a meal with nuts/ seeds, yogurt, or other protein sources.

Simple, yes, easy, no, boring perhaps to some! 

Remove the Confusion.

Download our menu, including planned meals, a shopping list, and a preparation guide.

We offer a simple Meal Planner to help you remove the confusion that may have prevented you from making positive changes. The Meal planner includes:

  • Meals are designed by nutritionists who understand the “power of food.”
  • Weekly schedule of meals so you can focus on other things.
  • Meals that are easy to prepare.
  • Complete shopping list.
  • Planned leftovers so you have less time in the kitchen.
  • Easy-to-follow preparation instructions.

At the very least, follow these simple action steps:

  • Plan your meals. 
  • Build Your meals around protein.
  • Add vegetables to each meal.
  • Eat fresh fruit with your meals.

Yours In Health,

Dr. Kevin Yates

  1. Team Member